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1 MA (2021) - group

IPO project: integrated system

"In this project, we were challenged to combine our design and strategic skills to obtain a quality final product"

HE Life is a product that supports chronic or long-term patients in between two hospital visits. The product-service systems consist out of three parts: the projector, the projection and the application.

Today, 24.3% of the population aged 15 years and older have a chronic condition. Appointments with care providers are unavoidable in their lives. But the period between these two visits is insufficiently absorbed, the disease is an unpleasant lifestyle.
HElife support this patients between the period at home. 

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A projection of the patient’s daily schedule is shown in the living room so that he/she knows at what times medical treatment must be performed. Also, lifestyle recommendations about sports and healthy eating, contact with peers, how the patient feels, and new information about the disease are given. In the app, the user can select what he or she wants to see on the projection. Besides, additional comments can be entered. The module will be taken to the consultation with your caregiver, and good and complete communication is ensured.

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© 2023 by Tille Peters

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