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3 BA (2020) - individual

bachelor thesis

“By creating a litter box that functions as an  essential part of your interior, the cat gets a pleasant spot in your home without the need to hide the object”

“This technology is based on the systems used in burning 
toilets of campers or tiny houses”


Ron is a litter box, a seating furniture and sleeping & playing place for your cat in one product. The user can clean the litter box manually. The feces are burnt and the ash is used as odor absorber. The user never get in direct  contact with the feces. The burning technology is a self-sufficient system. The main material of this litter box is hylite, an aluminium - PP composite.

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Burning toilets are very popular in scandinavian countries. It’s an efficient way to get rid of feces in a safe way. Feces are turned into ash within a stove that heats up till 500-600 degrees celcius. These ash absorbs odors, therefore the user of the litter box has to add it to the litter. The system is self-sufficient, due to the integration of a boiler, steam engine, generator, condensor and pump. 

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